Digital C-Prints on Aluminium Dibond with Acrylic Glass Surface. Size: 50 x 50 inches
Visual perception is saturated with experiences from all the senses whilst our perception of the world around us is, too often, informed by our vision in the strictest sense of the word. The Distillation series is a visual representation of the mind attempting to portray the solid evidence of the internal world. The Works are ways of seeing and forms of visual thinking that make the mental space of an image real. My work is inspired by abstract expressionism and explores a sensorial journey into inner space. The process employs reductionism, as well as phenomenological light, color and perception to evoke visual metaphor and feelings, and memories that allude to cross sensory associations and experiences. I hope to transport the viewer from an observer to participant where they use their eyes as gateways to experience the visual elements of each piece with the other senses in their own regard.